Wedding Hashtags

Nothing screams 21st century wedding like a wedding hashtag. They're a handy way to give your wedding a unique touch, but they're also a really great way to organize and find pictures from your wedding day online. We don't go anywhere without our phones these days and weddings are no exception. By creating a wedding hashtag for your guests to use when they post photos from your big day, you make it easy to see all of those images in one place.
Wedding hashtags range from simple things like #AndersWedding (new last name Anders) to much more creative tags like #SmittenForSchmidt (new last name Schmidt). After your big day, simply head to social media and type your hashtag into the search bar to find images posted with that tag. It's almost like an online photo album!
Getting your friends together to come up with a fun hashtag that fits you and your partner can be fun, but sometimes you get stuck. Check out this wedding hashtag generator if you need some help coming up with an idea! For extra fun, pick a few that you like and have your friends vote for their favorite at your bridal shower or bachelorette party!
Here are some of our favorites:
#PartyWithThePerkins (Perkins)
#ItWasYouAllALong (Long)
#MorganHeBargainedFor (Morgan)
TurnDownForWatts (Watts)
#YouMayKissMcBride (McBride)
#BassDayEver (Bass)
#ForeverFranklin (Franklin)
#OneBellOfAWedding (Bell)
#ToHaveAndToHolt (Holt)
Whatever you choose, have fun with it and make it fun!